دانلود پروژه Ivy Studio v1.1.1a برای یونیتی
Asset Store - Ivy Studio – Procedural vine generation
پروژه Ivy Studio برای یونیتی
پروژه Ivy Studio برای یونیتی : این پروژه یک مولد پیچک و گیاهان بالارونده رویه ای که بر ایجاد پوشش گیاهی سازگار با محیط واقع گرایانه تمرکز دارد ، Ivy Studio با استفاده از برخورد دهنده های موجود در صحنه به عنوان پایه ای برای رشد، صعود و سازگاری، پیچک و گیاهان بالارونده را تولید می کند و می تواند برای ایجاد پیچک بسیار بهینه به صورت ریل تایم استفاده شود ، این پروژه رو از سایت Unity Asset برای کابران سافت ساز آماده کردهایم ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.
عنوان : Asset Store – Ivy Studio – Procedural vine generation
فرمت : unitypackage
کاتالوگ : ندارد
موضوع : پروژه یونیتی
شرکت سازنده : Unity Asset
Asset Store – Ivy Studio – Procedural vine generation
Ivy Studio is a procedural Ivy and climbing plants generator that focuses on the creation of realistic environment adaptive vegetation. Generate Ivy in editor or at runtime.
– Ivy generation based on plant behavior rules
– Use gravity and curvature modifiers to control ivy spreading
– Ivy creation and manipulation in editor
– Ivy generation and on the fly optimization in run time
– Easy direct change of Ivy leaves and flowers with any prefab
– Extreme optimization of the Ivy mesh with per stoke or global mode for run time
– Ungrow option to remove all Ivy from scene and regrow it for edit or game start to reduce scene file size
– Deterministic planting, so can have recreation of the exact same Ivy branches on Ivy recreation
– Flat mesh branches for maximum performance
– Option for full 3D branches, for the stronger systems
– Ivy generator limit per area drawing, so multiple grow managers may be used, one per area
– Grid based system to help split the Ivy for performance, automated grid creation
– LOD system that will cut off the Ivy at distance when the grid system and limited area planting per manager as used.
– Models with above 64K vertices possible
– Export ivy meshes and create prefabs
– Shaders with wind support for all pipelines
– Gradual growth of Ivy at run time, this system is complete from a scripting side, though the shaders side is work in progress, e.g. there is a few shadowing issues while growing and is Standard Pipeline only for now, this aspect will be finalized in the next version of the asset and URP and HDRP support will be added for this mode.
– Support all pipelines with Prefabs for each one for quick start.
– Support wind mode with various controls over the strength and frequency of the wind.
حجم کل : 62 مگابایت
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