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دانلود پروژه Skill & Attack Indicators v1.4.0 برای یونیتی

Asset Store - Skill & Attack Indicators

دانلود پروژه Skill & Attack Indicators برای یونیتی

پروژه Skill & Attack Indicators برای یونیتی


پروژه Skill & Attack Indicators برای یونیتی : این پروژه به شما اجازه می دهد تا به راحتی حملات و مهارت ها را برای بازیکنان خود تجسم کنید ، یکی از نشانگرها را انتخاب کنید، تکسچر و تنظیمات را پیکربندی کنید کار تمام است آماده حرکت هستید ، این پروژه رو از سایت Unity Asset برای کابران سافت ساز آماده کرده‌ایم ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.


عنوان : Asset Store – Skill & Attack Indicators

فرمت : unitypackage

کاتالوگ : ندارد

موضوع : پروژه یونیتی

شرکت سازنده : Unity Asset

Asset Store – Skill & Attack Indicators

Skill & Attack Indicators offers an out-of-the-box solution for any skill and attack indicators you want to visualize. Fully configurable textures, radius, and colors. Comes with support for ‘fill amount’ and 4 types of indicators.


Line: Configure a directional indicator with a configurable length.
Arc: Configurable arc-based indicator. Fully configurable size and arc radius
Circle: Configurable circle-based indicator.
Scatter: Configurable multi-line combination indicator. Configure the number of lines, length, and offset between each line.
Supports both 2D and 3D projects and game solutions.
Includes 21 different textures to play around with. It is possible to change all of the textures with your own version suiting your project.
Projector: A projector example is included which supports visualization on ALL surfaces (terrain, uneven, flat).
Pipelines: Built-in, SRP, and URP pipelines are all completely supported.
Progress: Set the ‘progress’ of an indicator which allows you to gradually fill up the indicator with a color, comparable to the fill amount seen in Unity’s standard components. Change the origin of the fill amount to Left, Right, Bottom, Top or from the Center.
Two complete demo scene showcasing how to implement and use the asset.
The possibilities are endless! Want to make an RPG, MMO, Tower Defence, Roguelike, or something else? Everything is possible.
Tested and optimized for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) and web (WebGL).

حجم کل : 22 مگابایت

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