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دانلود پلاگین Surface Painter v1.1 برای بلندر

Blender Market – Surface Painter

دانلود پلاگین Surface Painter برای بلندر

پلاگین Surface Painter برای بلندر


پلاگین Surface Painter برای بلندر : این پلاگین ساده و در عین حال قدرتمندی است که به شما کمک می کند متریال اولیه سریع و رنگی را در کمترین زمان به آبجکت خود اضافه کنید ، با Surface Painter بسیار ساده است که آبجکت خود را بدون نیاز به ایجاد هر متریال به صورت دستی با رنگ های متنوع رنگ آمیزی کنید ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید .


Blender Market – Surface Painter

Surface Painter is the simple, yet powerful addon, that helps you adding quick and already colored basic materials into your objects in no time!

Addon works with Blender 3.0+ // For now it supports only default Blender sRGB color space
Create and paint new basic materials with no effort!

It’s now extremely simple to paint your objects with large variety of colors, without the need of creating each material manually.
– Select one of 27 (so far!) most common surfaces
– Select the color from the default palette, or pick your custom one
– Save your favorite colors for later
– Create and save your own surfaces!
– Just click CTRL+LMB on the objects to paint them with your settings!

Just take a look below, how easy it is!

Various paint modes

You can choose on what area you want to paint your new surfaces. From a single face, through area limited by sharp edges, materials into the entire object. The choice is yours!

Easy material tweaking from the panel-level

Tweak the settings directly in the panel, with no need to enter shader editor each time. All thanks to the amazing node groups, that are containing the surfaces settings!

Use one of 75 default colors or create your own and save for later!

You can pick one of the 75 colors from our default palette to paint your objects. You can also pick your very own color. Save your favorite colors in your scene or global favorites, so you can use them in any further projects.

There is more! You can use all Surface Painter palettes not only when painting materials, but also you can use them for any color inputs in the shader editor!

Use Palettes also in Shader Editor

Surface Painter allows you to use your all of palette and favorite colors also in the shader editor, in ANY material. Simply select the node, that you want to color, go to the ‘Nodes’ panel and you’ll see all the color inputs. Then just select any color you want!

Why Surface Painter?

– It’s extremely easy to use, even for most beginner users
– Creating basic and colored materials takes now NO TIME
– Use one of 27 procedural most common surfaces, like car paints, varnishes, wall plasters, metals
– Create your very own surfaces and add them to the plugin easily!
– All surfaces comes as easy Node Groups setups
– Works both in Object and Edit mode
– Pick one of 75 standard colors or create your own
– You can save your favorite colors for later, and share between other plugin & Blender versions!
– Easy material tweaking from the panel-level
– Use the palette colors also in the Shader Editor!

این راهنمای نصب به صورت نوشته می باشد .

برای دسترسی به کل محتویات سایت عضو ویژه سایت شوید

برای نمایش این مطلب و دسترسی به هزاران مطالب آموزشی نسبت به تهیه اکانت ویژه از لینک زیر اقدام کنید .

دریافت اشتراک ویژه

مزیت های عضویت ویژه :

  • دسترسی به همه مطالب سافت ساز
  • آپدیت روزانه مطالب سایت از بهترین سایت های سی جی
  • ورود نامحدود کاربران از هر دیوایسی
  • دسترسی به آموزش نصب کامل پلاگین ها و نرم افزار ها

اگر در تهیه اشتراک ویژه مشکل دارید میتونید از این لینک راهنمایی تهیه اشتراک ویژه رو مطالعه کنید . لینک راهنما

For International user, You can also stay connected with online support. email : [email protected] telegram : @SoftSaaz

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دانلود Blender Market – Surface Painter

پسورد : softsaaz.ir

تمامی مطالب توسط تیم سافت ساز ترجمه و جمع آوری می شود . منبع سافت ساز

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