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BOOM Libraryافتر افکتافکت صوتیپروژه های آمادهشرکت سازنده پروژه

دانلود پکیج افکت صوتی جهش ارگانیک

BOOM Library – Mutate Organic Bundle

دانلود پکیج افکت صوتی جهش ارگانیک

پکیج افکت صوتی جهش ارگانیک


پکیج افکت صوتی جهش ارگانیک : در این پست کتابخانه افکت صوتی شامل بیش از 4570 نوع مختلف از مجموعه ای غیرطبیعی از اشکال زندگی جهش یافته و تغییر شکل دهنده و مواد آلی سرکش است ، در این کتابخانه طیف کاملی از اندازه ، رطوبت و حفره  را که این کتابخانه در مجموعه طراحی شده آماده استفاده و همچنین کیت ساخت جامع فوق العاده دقیق ارائه می دهد ، با این کتابخانه طراحی یک ارگانیسم در حال تکامل ، تاب خوردن ، پیچش همزمان با کشش ، رشد ، چکه ، کشش ، انقباض ، ترکیدگی ، چروک ، بخار ، حباب ، هیس و پارگی قبلاً هرگز به این جزئیات امکان پذیر است ، قیمت این پکیج در سایت اصلی 239 دلار است ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.


BOOM Library – Mutate Organic Bundle

BOOM Library’s newest sound effects outgrowth has surfaced: MUTATE ORGANIC, the deliciously abnormal collection of mutating and morphing lifeforms and rogue organic matter. Discover the full spectrum of size, dampness and gut-wrenching movement this library provides in its ready-to-use Designed collection as well as the ultra-detailed comprehensive Construction Kit.

Capturing the essence of fictional sounds is always a challenge.
The sounds we want to depict only exist in our heads until we find just the right things to record in the right way or create from scratch using synthesizers. Sometimes unexpected things happen, which can only be found through experimentation.

It is all the more pleasing when listening back to our finished sounds and seeing them come alive before our inner eyes.

MUTATE ORGANIC nails the sounds we set out to achieve, but can be used for so much more, due to many of its abstract elements. As a result for us, and hopefully for you too, it will tag along as a faithful companion for many sound design projects to come.

MUTATE ORGANIC brilliantly captures the sound of life-size organs twisting, growing, morphing and developing in real-time. Be prepared for a truly horrifying look at what happens under the skin.

Design any lifeform’s movement to the highest detail with meticulously recorded and crafted sounds across the frequency spectrum.

No BOOM Library is complete without its beefy, impactful pinnacle effects that shake your speakers. Discover the bold attack sounds, whooshes, impacts, disintegrations and more!

حجم کل : 8.8 گیگابایت

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