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CGTraderساختمانشرکت سازنده مدل سه بعدیصحنهمدل سه بعدینمای خارجینوع مدل سه بعدی

دانلود مدل سه بعدی کامل شهر لندن به صورت polygon

CGTrader – Low Poly London City-poly 3D model

دانلود مدل سه بعدی کامل شهر لندن به صورت polygon

مدل سه بعدی کامل شهر لندن به صورت polygon


در این مجموعه “ مدل سه بعدی کامل شهر لندن به صورت polygon ” ارائه شده از شرکت CGTrader رو براتون آماده کرده ایم ، این مدل سه بعدی شهر لندن رو تقلید کرده و شامل تمام ساختمان هایی است که شما نیاز به تشکیل یک شهر دارید ، همچنین  شامل انواع مختلفی از اتومبیل ، کامیون ، موتور سیکلت ، قطار ، هواپیما ، هلیکوپتر ، دوچرخه و.. است که به شیوه ای شبیه به واقعیت طراحی شده است ، علاوه بر این شهر شامل پل و تونل است ، این مدل سه بعدی مناسب ساخت محیط های polygon است و انواع بازی ها قابل استفاده می باشد ، این پکیج در فرمت های blend ، obj ، fbx ، stl ارائه شده است که فرمت obj قابل استفاده در همه نرم افزار های سه بعدی رو دارا می باشد ، قیمت این کالکشن در سایت اصلی 50 دلار می باشد ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.

تصاویری از این مدل سه بعدی :


عنوان : CGTrader – Low Poly London City-poly 3D model

فرمت : blend | obj | fbx | stl

کاتالوگ : ندارد

موضوع : ساختمان

شرکت سازنده : CGTrader

CGTrader – Low Poly London City-poly 3D model

low poly london city is a simple city that imitates the most important landmarks in the city of London in addition to this contains all the buildings that you need to form a city and it contains different types of cars and trucks and also motorcycles and bicycles that were designed in a manner similar to reality in addition to this you will find in this The city’s bridges and tunnels because the city was designed to simulate the city of London as it has been observed number of polygon as the whole city contains only 396.402 because most buildings do not exceed 2000 polygon You can use them in phone games and also cartoon.

**Available Formats fbx obj blender ** **Available Formats fbx obj blender ** **Available Formats fbx obj blender **


Different buildings represent the city of London such as the Big Ben, the Shard, St Mary Ax, Canary Wharf and many of the city’s buildings and palaces
2.There are buildings added to help you in your business such as post office barber bar, cafes, restaurants, hotels, hospital, police station, urban protection, tramway, parking and shops.

3.The city also has a factory, airport, hospital, stadium, school, sport shop and corporate buildings

4.For vehicles, it consists of aircraft, helicopters, train, tramway, and Ships and boats and various small and large trucks in addition to the various cars. Most of them are designed with the approval of plans and the wheels are separated for easy to move in addition to motorcycles and bicycles. There is airballoon

5.There is also a theme park for the game

6.Traffic signs and traffic signs have been set up to accommodate traffic inside the city and there are banners for the posters

We hope that the model will help you in your work if you find any forms we are happy to help you do not hesitate to ask for help.

حجم کل حجم : 69 مگابایت

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