بیت گراف
3ds maxFlippedNormalsMarmoset ToolbagSubstance DesignerSubstance PainterUnreal Engineآموزششرکت سازندهطراحی محیطکامپوزیتمتریالمحتوای آموزشمدل سازینرم افزار استفاده شدهنورپردازی

آموزش ساخت محیط های علمی تخیلی برای بازی ها | آپدیت

FlippedNormals – Creating Sci-Fi Environments for Games

آموزش ساخت محیط های علمی تخیلی برای بازی ها

آموزش ساخت محیط های علمی تخیلی برای بازی ها


آموزش ساخت محیط های علمی تخیلی برای بازی ها : در این دوره از هنرمند معروف Emiel Sleegers ، با نحوه ساخت محیط های علمی تخیلی برای بازی ها و سینماتیک بعنوان یک آرتیست حرفه ایی محیط از صفر تا صد در نرم افزار های Unreal Engine 5 , 3DS Max , Marmoset Toolbag 4 , Substance Designer , Substance Painter آشنا خواهید شد. این آموزش کل فرآیند را از جمله برنامه ریزی ، مدلینگ ، ساخت متریال ، تنظیم انجین و نورپردازی را پوشش می دهد. این دوره آموزشی توسط تیم ســافــت ســاز برای شما عزیزان تهیه شده است.

در تاریخ 20 بهمن ماه 1403، زیرنویسی چینی ، اسپانیایی و انگلیسی و همینطور فایلهای تمرینی اضافه شدند

عناوین آموزش ساخت محیط های علمی تخیلی برای بازی ها :

  • برنامه‌ریزی پروژه و ایجاد یک صحنه Blockout مناسب
  • طراحی Trim Sheets برای افزودن جزئیات بیشتر به مدل‌ها
  • ساخت دارایی‌های بزرگ با استفاده از متریال‌های تکرارپذیر و Weighted Normal
  • طراحی متریال‌های تکرارپذیر برای این دارایی‌ها در Substance Designer
  • ایجاد ریگ های سفارشی برای افزودن جزئیات بیشتر به صحنه
  • مدل‌سازی با بافت‌های منحصربه‌فرد
  • انجام هنر طراحی صحنه، نورپردازی، ترکیب‌بندی و افکت‌های پس‌پردازش در Unreal Engine 5


عنوان دوره : FlippedNormals – Creating Sci-Fi Environments for Games

سطح : متوسط

زمان کل دوره : 21.30 ساعت

تعداد فایل ها : 71

سال آموزش : 2025

فایل تمرینی : دارد

مربی دوره : Emiel Sleegers

نرم افزار : Unreal Engine 5 , 3DS Max , Marmoset Toolbag 4 , Substance Designer , Substance Painter

زیرنویس انگلیسی : دارد

فشردگی اختصاصی سافت ساز : ندارد

FlippedNormals – Creating Sci-Fi Environments for Games

Creating Sci-Fi Environments for Games – In-Depth Tutorial Course
Learn how a professional environment artist works when creating sci-fi environments for games & cinematics. In this course you will learn from start to finish how to create a high quality environment including everything from Planning, modeling, material creation, engine setup and lighting.

This course will cover a very large number of topics, but the main topics are as followed:

  • Project planning and creating a proper blockout scene.
  • Creating Trim Sheets to give our models more detail.
  • Creating huge assets that use only tileable materials and weighted normal.
  • Creating the tileable materials for those huge assets using Substance Designer.
  • Creating custom decals to add more detail to our scene.
  • Creating models with unique textures.
  • Doing level art, lighting, composition and post effects in unreal engine 5.

And so much more.

The general takeaway of this course is that at the end, you will have the knowledge on how to create exactly what you see in the images, and you can apply this knowledge to almost any type of environment.

21+ HOURS!
This course contains over 21.5+ hours of content – You can follow along with every single step – This course has been done in real-time with narration except for a few timelapses for repetitive tasks. However even the timelapsed chapers have also been included in real-time as a bonus.

This course has been divided up into easy-to-understand chapters.

We will start the course off by planning our environment and creating our blockout assets.
During this time we will already design our entire level layout.

Once that is done we will first create our materials and trim sheets so that we can use them on our models. We will teach you how to create highly reuseable materials and details. For example this entire scene only uses one metal texture!

Finally when we have everything prepared we will create all of the final assets. We will also later on create some small unique assets that will contain unique textures made in Substance Painter.
having everything prepared we will replace our blockout in Unreal Engine 5 with our final assets, set-up our materials and place additional assets we downloaded from Megascans or other marketplaces to add some more life to our scene.

We will then continue by creating our custom decals which will make our scene look 10x better and we finish things off with the final lighting, post effects and some polishing.

This game art tutorial is considered an intermediate course and we require students to have familiarity with a 3d Modeling tool and Unreal Engine 5 – Everything in this tutorial will be explained in detail but we will not be going over the basics of the software mentioned below.


  • Unreal Engine 5
  • 3DS Max (you are able to use other modeling software)
  • Marmoset Toolbag 4
  • Substance Designer
  • Substance Painter

Please note that most techniques used are universal, so they can be replicated in almost any 3D software like Maya & Blender.

Emiel Sleegers is a lead environment artist and owner of FastTrack Tutorials. He’s worked on games like The Division 2 + DLC at Ubisoft, Forza Horizon 3 at Playground Games, and as a Freelancer on multiple projects as an Environment Artist and Material Artist.

حجم کل : 50 گیگابایت

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