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دانلود پروژه Fighting games template project v3.8 برای آنریل انجین

Unreal Engine - Fighting games template project (4.26-4.27)

دانلود پروژه Fighting games template project v3.8 برای آنریل انجین

پروژه Fighting games template project برای آنریل انجین


پروژه Fighting games template project برای آنریل انجین : این پروژه یک قالب از یک بازی مبارزه ای است که می توان آن را به طور کامل بازی کرد ، این پروژه رو از سایت Unreal Engine برای کابران سافت ساز حاضر کرده‌ایم ، مراحل و کاراکتر های مورد علاقه خود را اضافه کنید تا بازی مبارزه ای خود را بسازید ، قیمت این پروژه رد سایت اصلی 250 دلار است ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.


عنوان : Unreal Engine – Fighting games template project (4.26-4.27)

فرمت : uasset umap

کاتالوگ : ندارد

موضوع : پروژه آنریل انجین

شرکت سازنده : Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine – Fighting games template project (4.26-4.27)

This template is a project that allows you to create a fighting game with as little Blueprint editing as possible.

The changed files are BP_common_controller, Blueprint and animation of each character, Widget_Fighting,

These videos explain how to add characters and replace animations.

How to add a character

How to replace animations for moving

How to replace animations for normal attacking

How to setting for chain-combo

How to setting for special moves

How to setting for other animations

How to add a stage

How to edit the renewed data table.

How to edit the data table for the widget Explanation 1 (Title & Menu, Select Stage & Character)

How to edit the data table for the widget Explanation 2 (Round Result, Pause & Option)

How to edit the data table for the widget Explanation 3 (HP&SP bar, Arcade, Training)

How to edit the data table for the Battlesystem Explanation 4 (Effect&sound)

How to edit the data table for the Battlesystem Explanation 5 (Battle system Detail)

How to edit the data table for the Character Explanation 6 (Energy&Mobility, NormalAttack)

How to edit the data table for the Character Explanation 7 (Derived attack, Chain Combo, 3on3 assist)

How to edit the data table for the Character Explanation 8 (Special action, Super&Ultra special move)


All the textures, sounds, and animations all included in this project.

Includes some infinite blade free assets.


■Select Fighting mode:

2.5D 1on1

2.5D 3on3

3D 1on1


■Select mode:

Arcade Mode, VS CPU, VS Player and Training Mode can be selected.

■Select stage:

Two stage is prepared.

■Select character:

Mannequin is available as samples.

■Play battle:

Introduction with sequencer

You win with 2 rounds of 99(1on1)/300(3on3) seconds per round.

you can pause play, resume, Back to the title, retry.

Round result is KO, DoubleKO, Timeover, and Draw.

■Character movement :

Collision control with capsule component

F&B walk&step



Various punch&kick and damage animations





Special move

Ultra Special move with sequencer


Sway&Parring(only 1on1)

Change&Assist(only 3on3)


Super Armor



Number of Blueprints: Level/PlayerController/GameMode/Camera/Character/Animation etc.

Input: one or two Gamepad, Keyboard

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows: (Yes) Mac: (No)




Important/Additional Notes:

Character setup with data table has become easier.

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