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Gumroadبراش و آلفاتکسچر و متریالشرکت سازنده تکسچر

110 براش مو/چمن/خز داینامیک برای Manga Studio و Clip Studio Paint

Gumroad - 110 Neri´s Dynamic Fur/Grass/Hair brushes

دانلود 110 براش مو/چمن/خز داینامیک برای Manga Studio و Clip Studio Paint

110 براش مو/چمن/خز داینامیک


110 براش مو/چمن/خز داینامیک : در این مجموعه براش بی نظیر، 110 براش مو/چمن/خز داینامیک (با پارامتر های قابل تغییر) برای استفاده در نرم افزار های Manga Studio – Clip Studio Paint موجود می باشد. براش ها از رنگ های اصلی و ثانویه (رنگ روشن و تیره ) استفاده میکنند. این مجموعه براش ، توسط تیم ســافــت ســاز برای شما کاربران عزیز، تهیه و آماده دانلود شده است.

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عنوان : Gumroad – 110 Neri´s Dynamic Fur/Grass/Hair brushes for Manga Studio – Clip Studio Paint

فرمت : sut

کاتالوگ : ندارد

موضوع : براش و آلفا

شرکت سازنده : gumroad

Gumroad – 110 Neri´s Dynamic Fur/Grass/Hair brushes for Manga Studio – Clip Studio Paint

Why dynamic? Because with a few changes of parameters, we go from one rendering to another – I strongly advise to lock the brush before the changes and save the variations, there are many possibilities!

– The brush uses the main color and secondary, opt for a clear value and a dark, some brush need to exchange these colors to have the desired effect.

– The basic sample is a bit dull but combines very well with the modes -overlay, color and glow dodge – cf page 2

– Easy manual transformation, which is very useful for recalcitrant fibers and adapts the shape to the mass.

– Used as an underlay, you can redraw on top for a custom rendering, add high-lights, color, outline …etc

-Some brushes leave a little “waste” that can easily be erased.

– To vary the possibilities, play with layer levels or the ink> background setting, that positions the form behind the previous one.

– These are just brushes but they have their own “personality”. The one will require small undulating lines, the other a growing pressure. Some use complementary colors better than others …

A tips & tricks sheet should soon arrive so you can best take advantage of the brushes, enhance them or create them yourself !

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