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دانلود اسکریپت Pixelate It v2 برای After Effects

ایجاد انیمیشن های pixel art

اسکریپت Pixelate It


اسکریپت Pixelate It  اسکریپتی است راه حلی برای ایجاد سریع و آسان انیمیشن های pixel art در افترافکت ارائه می کند. با یک کلیک انیمیشن های پیکسل آرت خود را در افتر افکت بسازید. با نصب اسکریپت ابزاری جدید Deflicker  در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد که مانع از پیکسل های رقصی مزاحم برای نگاه بی نقص انیمیشن های پیکسلی می شود. با سافت ساز همراه باشید.



Pixelate It is your all in one solution for quickly and easily pixelating your After Effects animations with a single button click. With the new Pixelate It v2.0, you get the awesome new Deflicker tool that prevents those pesky dancing pixels for perfect looking pixel animations!  With it’s dockable UI, you save time pixelating any selected layers all at once in your comp, or comp wide as an Adjustment Layer with just one click!  Pixelate It makes pixelating your animations super easy!  Choose your pixel size, Pixel Mode, and color mode and then simply click the Pixelate It button.  Pixel Perfect Mode ensures you have perfectly square pixels no matter your comp size!  Making your work stand out was never easier!

All-New Deflicker Tool!
This is a huge new feature that helps to prevent any dancing pixels due to position movement.  Now your pixel animations will look and move just like an 8-bit video game!

Easily pixelate your scene by clicking the Pixelate It button!  Add Deflicker to all layers or selected layers by clicking the Add Deflicker button!

Pixel Perfect Mode
Achieving perfectly square pixels used to be a manual process, but with Pixelate It it’s automatic!  Choose your pixel block size for pixel perfect renders that stay perfectly square regardless of your composition size.  Turn off Pixel Perfect Mode for more fine tuned pixel sizes (ie. 3.5px X 3.5 px).

Keeping It Old School
Pixelate It makes applying old school 8 bit/16 bit looks to your layers super easy!  You can adjust Pixel Size, Color Mode and use the Deflicker Tool for custom old school video game animations.

One.  Click.
Easily pixelate your entire scene by clicking the Pixelate It button.  With one more click you can add the Deflicker effect to blast away those pesky dancing pixels!  Quickly add/remove/disable Pixelation or Deflicker with another click of a button.

Version Compatibility
Fully compatible with After Effects CS6, CC 2013 & up for Mac or PC.

Easy All In One Solution for Pixelation Effects
Instantly pixelate your animations comp wide with a single button click.  Add/disable/remove pixelation or deflicker effects with a single button click.

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حجم فایلهای دانلودی : 1 مگابایت

دانلود Pixelate It v2 For After Effects  

پسورد : softsaaz.ir

تمامی مطالب توسط تیم سافت ساز ترجمه و جمع آوری می شود . منبع سافت ساز

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