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Manga StudiophotoshopSkillshareآموزشپست پروداکشنشرکت سازندهطراحی کاراکترمحتوای آموزشنرم افزار استفاده شده

آموزش طراحی کاراکتر کتاب کمیک Superheroines

Skillshare – Comic Book Character Creator: Superheroines

طراحی کاراکتر کتاب کمیک

طراحی کاراکتر کتاب کمیک


در این دوره آموزشی طراحی کاراکتر کتاب کمیک از شرکت Skillshare ، در 5 ساعت بصورت گام به گام چگونگی صفر تا صد طراحی زن زیبا کتاب کمیک را یاد خواهید گرفت. هر درس مختصر و مفید و راهنمای روشنی برای چطور انجام دادن کارهاست . با استفاده ترکیبی از Manga Studio و Photoshop ، ورک فلوی پروداکشن کامل رو برای طراحی ، ترسیم ، مرکب و رنگ آمیزی این نوع کاراکتر های زنانه کمیک را یاد می گیرید. در طول راه ، فرآیند خلاقم را بطور دقیق توضیح و تکنیک‌های دقیقی را که برای نشان دادن کیفیت بالاو ویژگی‌های حرفه‌ای که به طور دیجیتالی استفاده می‌کنم، به شما نشان خواهم داد. این دوره آموزشی توسط تیم ســافــت ســاز برای شما کاربران عزیز، تهیه و آماده دانلود شده است.


عنوان دوره : Skillshare – Comic Book Character Creator: Superheroines

سطح : متوسط ​​و پیشرفته

زمان کل دوره : 6 ساعت

تعداد فایل های تصویری : 13

سال آموزش : 2019

فایل تمرینی : ندارد

مربی دوره : Clayton Barton

نرم افزار : Manga Studio , Photoshop

زیرنویس : ندارد

Skillshare – Comic Book Character Creator: Superheroines

In this 5+ hour video demonstration you’ll learn an easy to follow, step by step method for creating beautiful comic book women from start to finish. Each lesson is concise and to the point, cutting out the fluff and leaving you with a clear guide that’ll reveal how it’s all done.

You’ll learn the complete production workflow for designing, drawing, inking and coloring three female comic book characters using a combination of Manga Studio and Photoshop. Along the way I’ll explain my creative process in detail and show you the exact techniques I use to digitally illustrate high quality, professional looking comic book characters. Here’s what you’ll discover inside the course:

Chapter 1 – Preliminary Concepts:
The course starts out by taking you through the preliminary design phase of character concepting, where we’ll brainstorm ideas for 5 different Superheroines that we could potentially develop into finished designs. This initial stage is all about kickstarting your imagination so that you’re able to get something down onto the page right away.

Chapter 2 – Foundations:
Then we’ll pick 3 Superheroine designs to develop into finished characters – as we draft up a series of striking poses that exude confidence, power and maximum sexiness! We’ll map out the anatomy and the key muscle groups throughout their body to make sure they’re all structured correctly. Our primary goal in this chapter is to establish a solid foundation for each character that we can build our ultimate design around.

Chapter 3 – Design Draft:
Next we’ll begin developing a more definitive concept for our characters right over the top of their pose! This stage is all about experimentation, exploration and nailing down final the look of our Superheroines. It’s the fun part – where we get to build upon the preliminary idea we came up with earlier and take it to a more refined level.

Chapter 4-6 – Inking:
Now we’re ready to ink! In this lesson you’ll learn how to define your pencils with sharp, slick and energetic line art. I’ll show you how to implement Weight Variation to ramp-up the appeal of your contours, how to render tone, materials, value and texture details, and how to accurately place shadows according to your light source. On top of that you’ll learn how to accurately ink hair, clothing, armor, leather and robotic-tech.

Chapter 7-10 – Coloring:
The last four chapters of the course are dedicated to coloring – How to pick complementary color schemes that are pleasing to the eye and contrast well with the design; and how to light, shade and render the individual aspects of each character’s anatomy, costuming and hairstyle.

I’ll explain in comprehensive detail why and how I approach the coloring process in the way I do, to ensure predictable and consistent results in the finished presentation of my character designs.

Assignments & VCAC Access:
Each chapter comes with an accompanying assignment to help you put everything you learn throughout the course into action. Better yet, you’ll be able to submit your assignments to the Virtual Comic Art Classroom (VCAC) – a closed Facebook Group where you’ll get direct, one-on-one feedback on your work from me, as well as your comic art classmates!

This almost guarantees that you’ll see a significant improvement in your work from purchasing this course – and if you don’t see any results whatsoever after implementing what you’ve learned, you’ll get a full a refund within 30 days of purchase.

What You’ll Learn:

The full comic art production workflow for 3 female characters
Professional character design techniques
Advanced Inking, rendering and coloring methods
Specialized techniques for rendering form, hair, drapery, metal and a variety of other materials
What You Need Before You Start:

This course is for intermediate to advanced students only!
A base level understanding of drawing (form, shape, perspective)
A base level understanding of figure drawing (proportions, anatomy, gesture)
Beginner level understanding of Photoshop and Manga Studio
Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio), Photoshop and Tablet

حجم کل : 3.8 گیگابایت

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