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دانلود کالکشن افکت های صوتی Impact

Sound Effects Bible – Impact

دانلود کالکشن افکت های صوتی Impact

کالکشن افکت های صوتی Impact


کالکشن افکت های صوتی Impact : در این پست پکیجی شامل انواع افکت های صوتی در هم شکستن ، ریز ریز شدن ، ترکوندن انفجار ، تصادفات ، ضربه ها ، مشت ها ، افتادن و شکستن ها رو برای شما آماده دانلود کرده ایم ، افکت های صوتی کالکشن Bible توسط نویسنده و طراح صدا Ric Viers و تیم خود در فروشگاه Detroit Chop طراحی شده است ، Ric Viers بیش از پانزده سال در صنعت فیلم و تلویزیون کار کرده است ، طراحی  های صدای Viers در فیلم های اصلی motion ، نمایش های تلویزیونی ، برنامه های رادیویی و بازی های ویدئویی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.


Sound Effects Bible – Impact

Crash! Bang! Boom! An exhaustive collection of crashes, smashes, punches, falls, hits and breaks!

The Sound Effects Bible collection is a special series by author and sound designer Ric Viers and his team at the Detroit Chop Shop. Ric Viers has worked in the film and television industry for more than fifteen years. His location sound credits include hundreds of productions for nearly every major television network, Universal Studios, Dateline, Good Morning America, Disney, and many others. Known as the “Rock and Roll Professor of Sound”, Viers has hosted several video series like “Rode University”, “Rode Rage” and “The Detroit Chop Shop Video Diaries”.

Viers’ sound design work has been used in major motion pictures, television shows, radio programs, and video games. In 2007, Viers launched his own label, Blastwave FX, to celebrate the release of his 100th sound effects library. Viers is the author of The Sound Effects Bible and is considered to be the world’s largest independent provider of sound effects, with over 250,000 sounds and more than 600 sound effects libraries to his credit. He has produced sound libraries for numerous publishers, including Adobe, Apple, Blastwave FX, Sony, Sound Ideas, and The Hollywood Edge.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.

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