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cinema 4doctane renderphotoshopUdemyآموزشپست پراسسینگپلاگین استفاده شدهتکسچرینگرندرینگشرکت سازندهطراحی محیطمتریالمحتوای آموزشنرم افزار استفاده شدهنورپردازی

آموزش هنر بصری سه بعدی در Cinema 4D و Octane

Udemy – Complete 3D Visual Art Masterclass in Cinema 4D and Octane

آموزش هنر بصری سه بعدی در Cinema 4D و Octane

آموزش هنر بصری سه بعدی


در این آموزش هنر بصری سه بعدی با نحوه ایجاد صحنه ها ، تکسچرینگ، نورپردازی، رندرینگ و پست پراسسینگ و تئوری هنر در Cinema 4D و Octane آشنا می شوید. در این دوره در مورد تئوری رنگ،انتخاب رنگ برای کار با همدیگر،نحوه ساخت محیط ، ایمپورت آبجکت ها و ایجاد طبیعی در سینمافوردی صحبت خواهیم کرد.

در ادامه نحوه ساخت متریال ها و تکسچرها با استفاده از نود ادیتور Octane را فرا می گیریم. بعد از آن به نورپردازی می رسیم و نحوه نورپردازی کردن با تکسچرهای HDRI و daylight اکتان یک صحنه و کار با انواع نورهای قدرتمند اکتان را بررسی می کنیم.

قبل از شروع کردن به یادگیری حالت های مختلف رندر در اکتان ، ترفند هایی رو در مورد بهبود صحنه و تنظیم دوربین را یاد می گیرید.در پایان،تکنیک های مختلف پست پراسسینگ را در Photoshop مانند شارپنینگ،بهبود رنگ و تکنیک dodging و افزودن عناصر را فرا می گیرید. این دوره آموزشی توسط تیم ســافــت ســاز برای شما عزیزان تهیه شده است.


عنوان دوره : Udemy – Complete 3D Visual Art Masterclass in Cinema 4D and Octane

سطح : متوسط

زمان کل دوره : 8 ساعت

تعداد فایل های تصویری : 39

سال آموزش : 2020

فایل تمرینی : –

مربی دوره : Krystof Jezek

نرم افزار : Cinema 4D , Octane , Photoshop

زیرنویس انگلیسی : دارد

 Udemy – Complete 3D Visual Art Masterclass in Cinema 4D and Octane

Are you curious about learning 3D?

Do you feel lost and don’t know where to start because you haven’t came across any comprehensive tutorial? Now you finally did! In this course, you are going to discover how to become a 3D visual designer in Cinema 4D and Octane render.

Octane render is the leading renderer in the world. Octane unlocks many possibilities that have not been here before in the CGI world.

Bringing you thoughts into a real scene is the best feeling ever. I am looking forward to what you can do with this course!

The course is broken down into 6 sections:

First, we are going to learn something about Art Theory.

Choosing colors that work together and complement the mood of our scene.

Creating unique, interesting and easy to read composition.

Different lighting setups and which to use where.

Then, we are going to jump into Cinema 4D and learn about creating the scene. In this section we are going to learn how to build the environment, import objects and create nature. Once, you master it, we can move onto texturing. I will teach you how to create realistic materials and textures using Octane node editor.

After we have our scene built and textured we can learn about lighting. First, we are going to learn how to light our scene with HDRI textures and Octane daylight. Then you will learn how to work with the powerful Octane lights. Before we move onto rendering and different Octane render modes, I will show you some tricks on how to further enhance our scene and set up the camera, so it produces the best image posssible.

In the end, you will learn different techinques of post-processing in Adobe Photoshop, such as sharpening, color enhancing, dodging and adding elements.

At the end of each section we are going to apply the learn techniques onto our own scene, which we are building through the whole course.

Of course, you learn many tips on how to enhance the realism of your scene along the way.


The course is for anyone, who wants to learn 3D and wants to become professionally good in 3D Art. The only real requisite is the desire to learn.

This course covers more than just basics of 3D, most importantly it teaches you creating, not just controlling the software and shortcuts. It will set you on the right path, so you will have clear understanding of where to improve next! You will learn everything that is needed in order to create stunning surreal scenes.

Who this course is for:

Everyone who wants to learn 3D or CGI

Everyone who wants to become a 3D artist or Motion Designer

Everyone who wants to create scene in the virtual world

Who this course is for:
Designers and artists who want to start doing 3D design.
Hobbyist 3D artists who want to improve their 3D game.

حجم کل : 6.1 گیگابایت

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