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راهنمای کامل Unity3D و Amazon Cognito

Udemy - Unity3D + Amazon Cognito: The ultimate guide 2024!

راهنمای کامل Unity3D و Amazon Cognito

راهنمای کامل Unity3D و Amazon Cognito


راهنمای کامل Unity3D و Amazon Cognito : در این دوره از هنرمند Alexandre Bruffa ، با نحوه ساخت دایرکتوری کاربری و دسترسی به سرویس آمازون از انجین یونیتی آشنا خواهید شد. این دوره استفاده از Cognito بعنوان فهرست کاربر و بعنوان سرویس authorization ، استفاده از کنسول AWS ، کدنویسی لایو در یونیتی ، استفاده از Cognito برای دسترسی به سایر خدمات آمازون چون S3, Lambda, و DynamoDB را پوشش می دهد.این دوره آموزشی توسط تیم ســافــت ســاز برای شما عزیزان تهیه شده است.

عناوین راهنمای کامل Unity3D و Amazon Cognito :

  • ادغام آمازودن Cognito و Unity3D
  • استفاده از Amazon Cognito بعنوان یوزر دایرکتوری برای یونیتی
  • استفاده از Amazon Cognito بعنوان سرویس authorization برای یونیتی
  • استفاده از کنسول AWS و نوشتن کد کاربردی در یونیتی


عنوان دوره : Udemy – Unity3D + Amazon Cognito: The ultimate guide 2024!

سطح : متوسط

زمان کل دوره : 3.28 ساعت

تعداد فایل ها : 33

سال آموزش : 2024

فایل تمرینی : ندارد

مربی دوره : Alexandre Bruffa

نرم افزار : Unity3D

زیرنویس انگلیسی : ندارد

فشردگی اختصاصی سافت ساز : ندارد

Udemy – Unity3D + Amazon Cognito: The ultimate guide 2024!

Build your user directory and access Amazon services from Unity!

Integrate Amazon Cognito and Unity3D
Use Amazon Cognito as a user directory for Unity
Use Amazon Cognito as an authorization service for Unity
Use the AWS console and write functional code in Unity3D

Hi, and welcome to this course about Unity3D and Amazon Cognito!

This course is divided into two main sections: using Cognito as a user directory and as an authorization service. In both sections, I will look into theoretical concepts and then provide examples of implementations with Unity3D. I conceived this course as a practice guide; we will learn how to use the AWS console and have hands-on activities with live coding on Unity. At the end of this course, I want you to be able to build an entire user management system with Unity3D and Amazon Cognito and also use Cognito to access other Amazon services such as S3, Lambda, and DynamoDB.

If you are a game developer or a cloud specialist, there are plenty of situations in which you can make Unity3D and Amazon Cognito work together. Imagine that you have created a successful game with Unity and want to give your players the opportunity to register and log in to it. You could achieve this by integrating your game with a Cognito user pool. In this course, we will see how to create a Cognito user pool and integrate it with Unity registering, authenticating, and deleting users, among others.

Now, imagine that your users need to access Amazon services, such as S3 or DynamoDB for example, to upload a profile picture or to save a game. Whether you allow authenticated users or anonymous users to access those services, you will need to use Amazon Cognito, this time with an identity pool. In this course, we will see how to call a Lambda function, upload a picture to an S3 bucket, and store data in a DynamoDB table from Unity.

I really hope you will enjoy this course, see you there!

حجم کل : 3.4 گیگابایت

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  • دسترسی به همه مطالب سافت ساز
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