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دانلود پروژه CityBLD v0.3.0 برای آنریل انجین

Unreal Engine - CityBLD Patch 2 (5.3)

دانلود پروژه CityBLD برای آنریل انجین

پروژه CityBLD برای آنریل انجین


پروژه CityBLD برای آنریل انجین : این پروژه یک جعبه ابزار کامل برای ایجاد شهر برای آنریل انجین است که در ترکیب با چند جزئیات دست ساز، CityBLD قادر خواهد بود هر آنچه را که برای راه اندازی یک شهر آماده بازی نیاز دارید تولید کند ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.

تری دینگا

عنوان : Unreal Engine – CityBLD Patch 2 (5.3)

فرمت : uasset umap

کاتالوگ : ندارد

موضوع : پروژه آنریل انجین

شرکت سازنده : Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine – CityBLD Patch 2 (5.3)

CityBLD is a complete city creation toolkit for Unreal Engine 5. In combination with a few handcrafted details, CityBLD will be able to generate everything you need to get a game-ready city up and running.

With CityBLD, you can focus on realizing your vision, not on the clock or the budget.

This scene was created using a pre-alpha version of CityBLD.

No more dealing with a mess of unoptimized marketplace plugins, CityBLD is a complete, production-ready solution for urban environments!

CityBLD is the only city tool that offers the option of converting your entire scene to instanced meshes, meaning zero memory overhead from resource-heavy Blueprints.

In combination with Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite feature, you can create cities of virtually ANY size.

This scene was created using CityBLD Beta 0.1.

CityBLD’s completely modular approach to generating environments allows you tons of flexibility in what you choose to create.

Most modular 3D asset packs, such Megascans, work out-of-the-box with CityBLD, but generating cities using custom-made modular pieces requires little prep work either!

CityBLD’s building generation is so customizable that all the buildings needed for a city can be generated with as little as 15-20 meshes!

This scene was created using a pre-alpha version of CityBLD.

CityBLD has a tool for every step of the process.

Design the layout of your city with CityBLD’s road editor, the fastest road creation tool for Unreal. CityBLD’s non-destructive workflow allows rapid iteration to find the perfect layout.

Once you’ve achieved your visual goals, take advantage of CityBLD’s suite of optimization tools that integrate with Unreal’s various methods of optimization, including instanced meshes, world partition, HLODs, and more.

And CityBLD’s utility doesn’t stop at design – once your city is game-ready, CityBLD’s Mass AI integration allows you to effortlessly add realistic

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