دانلود پروژه Procedural Level Generator برای آنریل انجین
Unreal Engine - Procedural Level Generator v4.20-4.27, 5.0-5.2
پروژه Procedural Level Generator برای آنریل انجین
پروژه Procedural Level Generator برای آنریل انجین : این پروژه پایه ، پیچ و خم برای ایجاد محیط علمی تخیلی چند طبقه ای است که به صورت رویه ای تولید می شود ، این پروژه رو از سایت Unreal Engine برای کابران سافت ساز حاضر کردهایم ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.
عنوان : Unreal Engine – Procedural Level Generator v4.20-4.27, 5.0-5.2
فرمت : uasset umap
کاتالوگ : ندارد
موضوع : پروژه آنریل انجین
شرکت سازنده : Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine – Procedural Level Generator v4.20-4.27, 5.0-5.2
1. Save/Load system. You can save generated world, player position, teleports.
2. Teleportation system. Teleporters allow you to instantly transfer between rooms and floors.
3. The rooms are on their own maps, loading of which occurs through the creation of an instance in the streaming level. It is possible to load your meshes (templates) for the level generator. This means that you can combine procedural generation with manual level design, thereby creating completely huge complex solutions.
4. Support NavMesh
5. Good optimization (thanks to streaming levels)
6 The ability to display only the active room for better optimization
7. A completely standard character and AI. You can easily use your own character without any additional settings.
a) Fine-tuning the generation of the world
b) Selecting the size of the side of the world
c) Selecting the number of floors
d) The choice of floor on which the player starts
e) Setting the number of transitions between floors
f) and more.
8. Fully modular system. You can easily set your meshes, including floors, walls, doors, etc.
9. No snapping to mesh sizes. Walls, floors, doors, etc. can be almost any size
10. Loading bar and generation progress bar
11. and more.
حجم کل : 118 مگابایت
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