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دانلود پروژه Montage Graphic Pack V8.3 برای افترافکت

Videohive – Montage Graphic Pack Titles Transitions Lower Thirds and more 23449895

دانلود پروژه Montage Graphic Pack برای افترافکت

پروژه Montage Graphic Pack برای افترافکت


پروژه Montage Graphic Pack برای افترافکت : در این پست پکیج موشن گرافیکی شامل بیش از 1000 المان های مختلف ، تایتل انیمیت شده ، نئون ، مکالمات ، ترانزیشن ، ایموجی ، زیر نویس و.. رو برای نرم افزاز افترافکت براتون آماده دانلود کرده ایم ، با استفاده از این پکیج با ارزش و شگفت انگیز می توانید عناصر گرافیکی کاملاً قابل تنظیم ، چندرسانه ای جذاب و جلب توجه ایجاد کنید ،  ، با سافت ساز همراه باشید.

ویژگی های این پکیج :

  • شامل 1000 المان مختلف
  • شامل 90 پس زمینه واکنش گرا و عناوین
  • شامل 175 تایتل مختلف
  • شامل 20 زیر نویس مختلف
  • کاملاً قابل تنظیم
  • شامل فیلم آموزشی
  • شامل رزولوشن 4K
  • قابل استفاده در افترافکت و پریمیر CC 2018 به بالا
  • بدون نیاز به پلاگین
  • و…

Videohive – Montage Graphic Pack

Create compelling, attention-grabbing multimedia with this amazing value fully customizable graphical elements pack!

This the best pack that covers everything you need in your next project, no fake an unnecessary duplicated elements

Featuring over 960+ ultra high quality, ready-made Animated Titles, Transitions, Emoji, Animated Shapes, Neon, Callouts, Transition, Glitch Presets and many more. this pack will have your next project, teaser, jumping out of the screen!

All elements are created in Ultra High Definition 4K (UHD) resolution so you can easily resize and keep the absolute BEST resolution for your needs.


Created with Adobe After Effects, this Titles and Elements pack utilises a handy built in essential graphic which allows you to change all necessary parameters with a single click.

Feature List

1000+ Elements
All In 4K ultra HD
90 Responsive Background and Titles Pack
175 Titles Pack
50 Motivation Titles Pack
25 Minimal Titles
20 Corporate Titles
31 Comic Titles
22 Social Titles
14 Infographic Titles
12 Badges and Titles
20 Lower thirds
42 Simple Lower thirds Pack (V6 Update)
17 Callouts
26 Emoji
25 Neon Text and shapes
15 Swipe up button
11 Animated Banner Promotion
155 Cinematic Transitions For Premiere Pro Only
152 Cinematic Transitions For After effects Only
15 Flat Transitions For AE and PP
17 Vertical Flat Transitions For AE and PP
214 Animated Shapes56 Flash FX
25 Electric FX
43 Explosion Fx
15 Liquid FX
30 Animated Paths
20 Animated Circles
25 Ornaments
14 Pro Glitch Presets
21 Colors Presets
One Light Leak Generator

Special Feature:

Can be use on Premiere Pro Only (no need to have AE installed)
Can be use on After Effects Only (no need to have PP installed)
100% support for PP CC2019 or higher.
Ability to change Fonts fro all text and titles in PP CC2019 or higher.
Each MOGRT and AE File Available in 2 Version For CC2018 & CC2019 or higher.
100% made on after effects no illustrator file.
All MOGRT available as after effects file
Ability to change, colors with full control
the responsive design pack is suitable for any screen resolution.
Responsive design work on both after effects and Premiere pro.
Responsive time so you can simply set the duration of each title.
No plugin required.
Cinematic transition made only for premiere pro.
Cinematic transition made only for After Effects.
Cinematic transition can be in any resolution
Glitch & Color presets made only for premiere pro.
Well organizsed template
HTML Animated GIF Catalog
Ability to see transition preview inside premiere pro
Helpful documentation HTML + Video tutorial with voice over
Resolution available: 4K UHD 3840×2160, resizable
AE Version: Adobe After effects CC 2018 or Higher
PP Version: Adobe Premiere pro CC 2018 or Higher

حجم کل : 1.4 گیگابایت

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User Rating: 4.23 ( 2 votes)

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