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UartsyZBrushآموزشآناتومیحجاریشرکت سازندهمحتوای آموزشنرم افزار استفاده شده

آموزش اسکالپ حیوانات در زیبراش ZBrush

Uartsy – Sculpting Animals

اسکالپ حیوانات در زیبراش


در این دوره آموزشی ” اسکالپ حیوانات در زیبراش ” از سایت Uartsy در نرم افزار Zbrush ، مربی دوره Steve Lord ، به حجاری و اسکالپ دقیق آناتومی حیوانات با استفاده از ترکیب بسیار قدرتمند از تکنیک های مجسمه سازی سنتی و ابزار دیجیتال می پردازد.

اسکالپ موجودات واقعی و خیالی ، نیاز به شناخت عمیق از آناتومی حیوانات از ساختار پایه تا پیچیده ترین بافت اتصال ها دارد. استیو ، نحوه مقابله با تمام چالش های اسکالپتینگ آناتومی حیوانات پیچیده و ایجاد موجودات داینامیک را در زیبراش به شما مراجعین سافت ساز  می آموزد. با سافت ساز همراه باشید. هر 11 پروژه در واقع یه دوره کامل می باشد.

5 درس مهم دوره اسکالپ حیوانات در زیبراش :

  • نحوه اسکالپ دقیق آناتومی حیوانات
  • اسکالپ جزییات با استفاده از تکنیک های پیشرفته
  • استفاده از آناتومی حیوانات واقعی ، اسکالپ موجودات فانتزی دقیق و خیره کننده
  • حجاری اسب و آناتومی سگ از اول تا آخر
  • حجاری و شناخت عضلات حیوانات و سازه های اسکلتی

این دوره آموزشی شامل 11 پروژه می باشد:

  1. مقدمات و پیش نیاز دوره
  2. آشنایی با آناتومی حیوانات
  3. ساخت پیس و پایه یک سگ
  4. Refining سگ
  5. اتمام کار سگ
  6. ساخت پیس و پایه یک اسب
  7. Refining اسب
  8. Polishing اسب
  9. اتمام کار اسب
  10. ایجاد موجودات ترکیبی با آناتومی حیوانات موجود
  11. اسکالپ یک موجود واقعی

محتویات مجوعه اسکالپ حیوانات در زیبراش :


دیدن یکی از ویدیو های اسکالپ حیوانات در زیبراش :

عنوان دوره : Uartsy – Sculpting Animals

سطح : تمام سطوح

زمان کل دوره : 20 ساعت

تعداد فایل های تصویری : –

سال آموزش : 2016

فایل تمرینی : دارد

مربی دوره : Steve Lord

نرم افزار : Zbrush

زیرنویس : ندارد

Uartsy – Sculpting Animals

Sculpting creatures, both real and imagined, requires an in-depth understanding of animal anatomy, from the basic structure to the most intricate tissue connections. Mastery of this has proven to be both an invaluable asset and a challenging obstacle for many artists.
In this all new master class from legendary sculptor, Steve Lord, you will learn how to tackle all the challenges of sculpting complex animal anatomy and create dynamic creatures with high believability in ZBrush.
The 5 most important lessons:

Understand how to dynamically sculpt accurate animal anatomy.
How to sculpt detailed figures using advanced techniques.
Using real world animal anatomy, sculpt stunning and detailed fantasy creatures .
How to sculpt horse and canine anatomy from start to finish.
Sculpt and understand animal muscle and skeletal structures.

Project 1 : Pre-Class Bonus: Drapery
Lecture 1  23:38 Introduction To Drapery and Beginning the Pants
Lecture 2  20:15  Major Folds of the Pants
Lecture 3  28:06 Refining the Pants
Lecture 4  29:04 Shirt

Project 2 : Introduction to Animal Anatomy
Lecture 1 Class Resources
Lecture 2  12:52 Introduction
Lecture 3  11:04 Setting Up A Mannequin
Lecture 4  08:47 Refining the Mannequin
Lecture 5  03:06 Understanding Basic Anatomy Landmarks
Lecture 6  06:48 Beginning the Blockout
Lecture 7  04:33 Checking Measurements
Lecture 8  01:54 The Importance of Reference and Silhouette
Lecture 9  03:12 Continuing Basic Landmarks and Silhouettes
Lecture 10  08:41 Continuing the Sculpt and Refining the Ribcage
Lecture 11  05:10 Ammending Measurements
Lecture 12  06:06 Muscles of the Thighs
Lecture 13  07:28 Difereces in Obliques Between Animals
Lecture 14  06:55 Working on the Hind Legs

Project 3 : Building a Canine Base
Lecture 1  09:24 Class Intro
Lecture 2  05:39 Studying Animal Anatomy Photo Reference
Lecture 3  07:18  Blocking out Large Muscle Groups
Lecture 4  05:55 Studying the Dog Skull and Facial Muscles
Lecture 5  05:56 Building up the Facial Mucles
Lecture 6  06:07 Working on the Ears
Lecture 7  06:45 Studying the Profile of the Face and Continuing to Build Forms
Lecture 8  06:47 Sculpting the Front Paws
Lecture 9  07:36 Blocking the Lower Muscles of the Front Leg
Lecture 10  05:55 Blocking in the Upper Muscle Groups of the Front Leg
Lecture 11  08:30 Scribing in the Cheast Muscles and Reworking Forms
Lecture 12  07:16 Blocking in The Rib Cage
Lecture 13  07:12 Refining the Rib Cage
Lecture 14  08:22 Defing the Back Muscles and the Upper Leg Area
Lecture 15  05:40 Building up The Muscles of The Hind Area
Lecture 16  05:25 Working on the Overall Sculpt

Project 4 : Refining The Canine
Lecture 1  06:00 Blocking Out Back Leg Anatomy
Lecture 2  06:08 Refining the Hind Foot
Lecture 3  06:47 Scribing In the Haunches
Lecture 4  05:29 Comparing Horse and Lion Anatomy
Lecture 5  04:07 Forming the Shoulder Muscles
Lecture 6  06:15 Adding the Neck Muscles
Lecture 7  07:00 Smoothing and Footpad Blockout
Lecture 8  08:12 Further Refinement of the Hind Legs
Lecture 9  07:47 Blocking in the Major Shapes of the Front Legs
Lecture 10  05:05 Scribing in the Muscles of the Front Legs
Lecture 11  04:54 Adjusting the Major Forms of the Front Legs and Chest
Lecture 12  06:59 Scribing in the Muscles of the Upper Front Legs
Lecture 13  06:38 Scribing in the Muscles of the Chest and the Lower Front Legs
Lecture 14  06:13 Focusing on the Shape and Function of the Front Legs
Lecture 15  06:19 Examinnig and Building on the Front Paws
Lecture 16  05:22 Building on The Forms of the Front Legs
Lecture 17  05:13 Detailing the Forms of the Front Legs
Lecture 18  05:40 Analyzing Movement of the Front Legs and Reworking Accordingly
Lecture 19  04:44 Examining the Movement of the Dog’s Limbs
Lecture 20  05:26 Reviewing How to Sculpt a Dog in a Curled Pose

Project 5 : Finishing the Canine
Lecture 1  06:38 Creating Mass in the Hind Leg
Lecture 2  06:00 Smoothing and Scribing Legs and Ribs
Lecture 3  05:42 Adding Shape to the Torso
Lecture 4  05:41 Blocking out Main Forms of the Head
Lecture 5  07:25 Scribing in Facial Features
Lecture 6  04:50 Understanding Shapes and Forms of the Head
Lecture 7  05:55 Forming the Eye and Brow
Lecture 8  05:43 Masseter and Ear Placement
Lecture 9  03:03 Assessing the Shape of the Skull
Lecture 10  07:01 Examining Ear Reference
Lecture 11  06:32 Sculpting the Ears Part 1
Lecture 12  07:20 Sculpting the Ears Part 2
Lecture 13  03:23 Adjusting the Neck
Lecture 14  04:13 Analyzing Leg Reference
Lecture 15  05:53 Scribing in Lower Front Leg Muscles
Lecture 16  03:59 Vein Technique Overview
Lecture 17  05:55 Creating Veins with ZSpheres
Lecture 18  06:55 Sculpting Veins and Using Curve Brushes
Lecture 19  06:12 Creating and Placing the Nail
Lecture 20  07:31 Placing the other Nails and Sculpting the Pads of the Feet
Lecture 21  05:59 Long Hair Techniques Part 2
Lecture 22  05:42 Long Hair Techniques Part 1
Lecture 23  06:44 Short Hair Techniques

Project 6 : Building a Horse Base
Lecture 1  06:36 Comparing Dog and Horse Anatomy
Lecture 2  05:25 Blocking in the Pose with ZSpheres
Lecture 3  06:26 Refining the Pose
Lecture 4  05:41  Making Proportional Adjustments
Lecture 5  06:58 Adding Mass and Understanding Body Forms
Lecture 6  04:42 Looking at the Shape of the Ribcage and Haunches
Lecture 7  06:47 Roughing Out Major Body Landmarks
Lecture 8  07:17 Understanding Weight Distribution
Lecture 9  05:16  Adjusting the Legs to Match the Pose
Lecture 10  06:37 Modifying the Upper Body Sillhoutte
Lecture 11  05:27 Scribing in Neck Muscles
Lecture 12  06:03 Observing Where Muscles Sit and Connect
Lecture 13  06:02 Placing Portruding Bones
Lecture 14  05:29 General Body Refinements
Lecture 15  06:00 Adding Haunch Anatomy
Lecture 16  05:50 svPushing Back Leg Detail

Project 7 : Refining the Horse
Lecture 1  05:39 Blocking Out a Hoof
Lecture 2  04:59 Placing the Hoof
Lecture 3  07:40 Checking Sillhouttes
Lecture 4  04:29 Adjusting the Foreleg
Lecture 5  06:4 Examining Foreleg Reference and Making Adjustments
Lecture 6  08:38 Placing the Other Hooves
Lecture 7  08:19 Studying Hind Leg Reference
Lecture 8  06:24 Blocking in a Skull and Scribing in Landmarks
Lecture 9  05:30 Scribing in Muscle Groups
Lecture 10  06:55 Checking Proportions
Lecture 11  06:09 Neck Muscle Overview
Lecture 12  04:45 Sculpting the Ribcage
Lecture 13  06:17 Sculpting the Right Shoulder
Lecture 14  06:04 Using Anatomy Reference
Lecture 15  05:33 Cutting in Left Shoulder Muscle Groups
Lecture 16  06:06 Defining Lower Foreleg Muscle Groups
Lecture 17  06:02 Adjusting the Underbelly

Project 8 : Polishing the Horse
Lecture 1  06:08 Molding Foreleg Shape
Lecture 2  05:44 Front Right Leg Adjusting
Lecture 3  06:55 Scribing in Hindquarter Muscle Groups
Lecture 4  04:59 Sculpting the Knee Transition
Lecture 5  06:09 Forming the Gastrocnemius
Lecture 6  06:26 Adding a Tail
Lecture 7  06:08 Looking at Eye Placement and Skull Shape
Lecture 8  06:24 Placing and Shaping the Ears
Lecture 9  05:18 Refining the Ears
Lecture 10  05:54 Laying Down Facial Muscles
Lecture 11  03:37  Eye Placing
Lecture 12  05:52 Eye Orientation
Lecture 13  07:00 Evaluating Facial Muscles
Lecture 14  06:15 Scribing in Head Muscle Groups
Lecture 15  05:51 Adding Form to the Eyes and Nostrils
Lecture 16  06:16 Defining Creases in the Face

Project 9 : Finishing the Horse
Lecture 1  06:38 Working on the Head Neck Transition
Lecture 2  05:34 Seperating the Head
Lecture 3  06:50 Defining The Eyes
Lecture 4  06:46 Returning to The Knee
Lecture 5  05:45 Addressing the Inside of the Legs
Lecture 6  06:22 Adding Veins
Lecture 7  05:48 Refining the Hing Leg
Lecture 8  05:59 Major Structures of the Neck
Lecture 9  05:45 Neck Muscles Continued
Lecture 10  05:45 Studying Muscle Masses of the Shoulder
Lecture 11  06:18 Shoulder Forms Continued
Lecture 12  06:24 Scribing in Shoulder and Neck
Lecture 13  05:46 Looking at Artists’ Anatomy
Lecture 14  06:11 Looking at the Tail
Lecture 15  05:56 Forming the Tail
Lecture 16  05:49 Blocking out the Mane
Lecture 17  05:53 Shaping the Hair of the Mane
Lecture 18  06:27 Breaking Down Deer Anatomy
Lecture 19  03:13 Deer Anatomy Continued

Project 10 : Creating Hybrid Creatures using Existing Animal Anatomy
Lecture 1 Project 10 Resources
Lecture 2  06:15 Applying Lizard Anatomy
Lecture 3  06:05 Understanding the Practicality of Your Sculpt
Lecture 4  05:40 Transitioning Between Human and Dog Legs
Lecture 5  05:28 Melding Dog and Human Anatomy for the Upper Body
Lecture 6  06:45 Shaping the Head
Lecture 7  05:17 Blocking Out the Hands
Lecture 8  05:55 Refining Hand and Arm Anatomy
Lecture 9  06:32 Texturing Overview
Lecture 10  05:54 Comparing Hip Structures
Lecture 11  06:18 Looking at Reptilian Leg Anatomy
Lecture 12  05:47 Comparing Different Leg Structures
Lecture 13  05:59 Scribing in Hindquarter Anatomy
Lecture 14  06:20 Sculpting Tail Anatomy
Lecture 15  05:50 Getting the Subtleties of the Tail
Lecture 16  06:08 Skin and Scales Detailing
Lecture 17  06:04 Observing the Flow and Form
Lecture 18  05:39 Defining the Skull and Jaw
Lecture 19  06:05 Making Scale Textures
Lecture 20  05:33 Final Touches to the Head
Lecture 21  07:42   Animal Anatomy Overview Part 1
Lecture 22  05:56  Animal Anatomy Overview Part 2
Lecture 23  07:57 Animal Anatomy Overview Part 3

Project 11 : Sculpting a Believable Creature
Lecture 1  05:49 Anatomy Choices
Lecture 2  05:57 Creature Bone Structure
Lecture 3  06:10  Scribing Out Muscle Groups
Lecture 4  05:44 Blocking Out Upper Body
Lecture 5  05:46 General Body Pass
Lecture 6  05:20 First Head Pass
Lecture 7  06:25 Comparing Human and Cat Forearms
Lecture 8  05:38 Paw Refinement
Lecture 9  05:52 Footpad and Wrist Adjustment
Lecture 10  06:23 Smoothing the Body and Vien Detail
Lecture 11  05:42 Adding Muscle Striation
Lecture 12  05:40 Second Body Pass
Lecture 13  06:09 Making Horns Part 1
Lecture 14  06:17  Making Horns Part 2
Lecture 15  05:47 Making Horns Part 3
Lecture 16  04:07 Eye Placement
Lecture 17  06:17 Horn Detailing
Lecture 18  09:51 Adding Details With Insert Mesh Brushes
Lecture 19  06:47 Mirroring the Head Tube
Lecture 20  05:51 Using Insert Mesh with Curves
Lecture 21  06:38 Adding Neck Creases
Lecture 22  05:03 Scribing In Extra Detail and Adding Color
Lecture 23  08:44 Playing With Color
Lecture 24  07:56 Adjusting Lighting and Material
Lecture 25  05:22 Outro

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