بیت گراف
DOMESTIKAMarmoset ToolbagmayaphotoshopSubstance PainterZBrushآموزشتکسچرینگرندرینگشرکت سازندهطراحی کاراکترمحتوای آموزشمدل سازینرم افزار استفاده شده

آموزش طراحی و مدلینگ یک سفینه فضایی Sci-Fi

Domestika - Design and Modeling of a 3D Sci-Fi Ship

آموزش طراحی و مدلینگ یک سفینه فضایی Sci-Fi

آموزش طراحی و مدلینگ یک سفینه فضایی


در این آموزش طراحی و مدلینگ یک سفینه فضایی از هنرمند Juan Novelletto، چگونگی ساخت یک سفینه فضایی علمی تخیلی را در نرم افزار های ZBrush, Maya و Substance Painter یاد خواهید گرفت.

ایشان در ایده پردازی سه بعدی ،ایجاد کاراکتر ها و وسایل نقلیه علمی تخیلی، متخصص است. ایشان فرآیند حرفه ایی خود را برای مدلینگ یک سفینه علمی تخیلی را بصورت سه بعدی را نشان می دهد. این دوره آموزشی توسط تیم ســافــت ســاز برای شما عزیزان تهیه شده است.

عناوین اصلی دوره آموزشی :

  • ایجاد طرح دو بعدی از ایده های مختلف در فتوشاپ
  • روش سریع و ساده الهام گرفتن از طبیعت و استفاده از رفرنس ها
  • بهترین روش برای سازماندهی رفرنس ها
  • ایجاد سفینه در زیبراش با ابزار ZModeler
  • آموزش تکنیک Kitbashing برای افزودن جزییات
  • افزودن آلفاها در زیبراش
  • نحوه استفاده از سطوح سابدیویژن در زیبراش برای ایجاد توپولوژی و یووی
  • انتقال مدل به سابستنس برای تکسچرینگ
  • رندرینگ سفینه در Marmoset Toolbag
  • ایجاد بگ کراند و تغییرات در فتوشاپ

عنوان دوره : Domestika – Design and Modeling of a 3D Sci-Fi Ship

سطح : مبتدی

زمان کل دوره : 5.43 ساعت

تعداد فایل های تصویری : 27

سال آموزش : 2021

فایل تمرینی : ندارد

مربی دوره : Juan Novelletto

نرم افزار : ZBrush, Maya, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag, Photoshop

زیرنویس انگلیسی : ندارد (زبان اسپانیایی)

Domestika – Design and Modeling of a 3D Sci-Fi Ship

Beyond the ships that Tesla or NASA may be developing today, in the world of science fiction there are thousands of vehicles in both video games and movies, which stand out for their level of detail and design realism. Juan Noveletto – 3D artist and concept artist – is a specialist in the creation of science fiction characters and vehicles. Recognized for his work in the video games Master of Orion, Element Space or Injustice 2 and the movie The Vast of Night, in this course he will show you his professional process to make your ship sci-fi in 3D come true .

Learn the workflow and professional tools that Juan uses to develop a futuristic 3D vehicle, with a realism and look cinematic that will surprise anyone.

You will begin by knowing Juan Novelletto, his work as a 3D artist and concept artist , the most representative projects in the creation of futuristic vehicles, and his main sources of inspiration among artists, movies, books and music.

You will create the 2D sketch of different ideas in Photoshop, in a simple and fast way, taking as inspiration nature, pieces of other artists and real-world vehicles. In addition, Juan will show you the best way to organize the references and so you know what to choose from each of them.

Next, you will go from 2D to 3D by creating the main volumes of the sci-fi spacecraft in ZBrush, using mainly the ZModeler tool. Then, you will work with other more plastic tools to achieve much more interesting and original ways. During the process, you will go from ZBrush to Maya on several occasions to correct and perfect errors that may arise during this modeling phase.

Then you will add the secondary and tertiary volumes to give the final shape to the ship. Finally, Juan will teach you the Kitbashing technique to give you a more realistic level of detail. You will finish this stage with ZBrush by adding the Alphas.

Once in Maya, you will learn to use all the subdivision levels created in ZBrush to create a topology low , and then, you will quickly perform the Uvs coordinates. Next, you will pass your model to Substance Painter to give the final textures to your futuristic ship.

Finally, you will make several renders of the ship with Marmoset Toolbag. You will use background images to give a context and with small tweaks in Photoshop, you will have some images ready for your portfolio.

What is this course’s project?
You will design, model and make the render of a vehicle sci-fi obtaining several images for your portfolio.

Who is it for?
To designers, illustrators and anyone interested in creating futuristic vehicles for different projects such as videogames, movies, spots advertising, among others.

What you need
You will need to have basic knowledge of Photoshop, ZBrush and Maya. On the materials, you will need to have a computer with Photoshop, ZBrush, Maya, Substance Painter and Marmoset Toolbag installed, and a graphics tablet.

حجم کل : 3.7 گیگابایت

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